Oxford Group
Oxford Travel & Education Services (Regd.)
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Foreign Tie-ups
  • America
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Ireland
  • NewZealand
  • France
AAERI (Association of Australian Education Representative in India)
QISAN (Quality International Study Abroad Network)
AAERI (Association of Australian Education Representative in India)
The Association of Australian Education Representatives in India (AAERI) was formed in October 1996 to assure the integrity and credibility of agents who are recruiting students on behalf of Australian education and training institutions.The establishment of AAERI was an initiative of Australian Education International (AEI) although AAERI is an independent organisation, registered under the Societies Registration Act of India.

AAERI members agree to abide by a Code of Ethical Practices (COEP) which stipulates that they must provide services to students in a manner which reflects the established practices of Australian education and training institutions and which safeguards the interests of prospective students on the other. AAERI's Code of Ethics is based on the Australian Governments's Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS Act) which makes Australian education institutions accountable for the activities of their overseas agents.The AAERI's COEP requires that AAERI members provide accurate and realistic counselling to prospective students who have selected Australia as their study destination and disseminate authentic information on :
  1. The totality of finances required for study in Australia;
  2. Conditions governing a student's ability to work, and the availability of work;
  3. The scholarships available to overseas students;
  4. Institutional academic matters, living arrangements, legal requirements and entitlement's, fees and refund policies and student support services.

Education agents can assist students by guiding them in choosing a course of study,assisting them to complete a student visa application and facilitate their enrolment in an Australian education institution. All prospective students interested in utilising the services of an education agent are encouraged to utilise the services of an AAERI member for the following among other reasons :
  1. AAERI members abide by a code of ethical practices, which is displayed in their office. The code states clearly the services that are offered to the students.
  2. AAERI members have agreed to serve prospective students honestly and fairly, provide them with accurate and unbiased information and to refer students to other agents if appropriate.
  3. AAERI members agree to charge only the fee prescribed by AAERI, which is currently no more than Rs 10,000/-
  4. AAERI members have formal linkages with at least one Australian education institution.
ICEF Online is the world's first collaborative internet platform for the international education industry. Launched in November 2006, it already boasts a membership of more than 750 educational institutions and agents from over 90 countries.

As student behaviour continues to shift to the internet, it has become critically important for both educational institutions and agents to use effective and intelligent tools for online brand management and student recruitment. Providing solutions to a variety of common issues and challenges faced by both agents and providers, ICEF Online features a range of useful tools, including :
  1. Agent-provider relationship creation and management
  2. Effective online communications and marketing support
  3. Online brand management for education providers
  4. Student enquiry generation and management for agents
QISAN (Quality International Study Abroad Network)
QISAN, has been formed to help International students receive high quality ethical and professional counselling by educational agents to study at high quality educational institutions worldwide

QISAN membership is open to both educational agents and educational Institutions recruiting international students.International students are able to apply online for an English language school, private college, boarding school, college or university. Applications are forwarded to a QISAN accredited agent who then advises and guides the student through the application process.

Since its inception, QISAN has expanded its portfolio of services and is now the premier 'one-stop shop' for students, educational agents and educational institutions worldwide